Are you or someone you know an avid reader? Try making a personalized bookmarker so you will never lose your place. You can make several of these in no time at all using cardboard and antiqued looking wrapping paper. What a quick way to create art with decorative scrap paper and your own personalized 3-D foam letter, as you will find out by reading below.
Begin by selecting a scrap piece of wrapping paper that resembles time gone by. If you do not have any left over wrapping paper, you can find some very inexpensive paper at your local craft store. For this project an antiqued looking sports theme was used in a flat finish (tan, brown, black and olive). Using scissors, cut the wrapping paper in to two 8 in.H x 2 in.W strips. Next, cut one piece of thin scrap cardboard in to an 8 in.H x 2 in.W piece to match in size the two strips of paper you have already cut and set aside. Spray artist adhesive to one side of the cardboard and apply one of the wrapped paper strips to it, smooth out any wrinkles and allow time to dry, approx. 5 minutes. Next, flip the quickly to be finished custom book marker over and repeat the same process on the other side. Now, to add the personalizing touch to your project, add a 3d foam letter sticker for scrapbooking to the front side of your marker. For this project we used a cream colored S letter, 1.5 in. x 1.5 in..
That is all there is to it. A nice simple scrapbooking craft, and a special and personalized custom book marker. A great classroom craft for teachers, or just the rest of us everyday home crafters.
Senin, 28 Agustus 2017
Senin, 14 Agustus 2017
Glass Lamp Shades and Lighting For Your Home
In the same way glass is infinitely malleable in the care of a skilled artisan, glass lamp shades come in a dizzying combination of styles, diameters, and colors. During Roman eras and likely before, people were indulging in the craft of making useful and even elaborate glassware. In more contemporary times, as natural gas and electrical lighting permeated our world during the industrial ages, glass lamp shades also entered the homes.
In this way, glass lamp shades have integrated into both home lighting and the exclusive circles of art. because of the singular properties of glass, shaping glass is unlike any other craft. It is a composite substance, distinguished by molecular disorder. As seen in crystals or ice, the atoms don't line up neatly even in its solid form. When glass is heated, it doesn't undergo a change from a solid to liquid.
Rather, as it softens, flows and deforms under pressure. The experienced craftsman starts off with a mass of heated vitreous substance. He uses a long, hollowed out steel rod known as a blow pipe to pick up the glass. By alternately breath-inflating the softened glass and rolling the glass on a metal table with the rod, he can mold the glass into a cylindrical shape.
Finer features of the glass, such as flaring of the edge of the lamp shade, are adjusted with additional metal tools. Lamp shades come in various colors. Louis Comfort Tiffany, the well-known interior decorator, was famous for creating stained glass lamp shades. Calling upon the artistic framework of stained glass art, Tiffany combined lead rods and fragments of colored glass to generate dreamlike art reflecting a dazzling combination of colors, objects and scenes from nature. For the craftsmen, adding color to the glass is an integral piece of the craft. Because of the presence of metal oxide contaminants, the material may begin by being tinted. The artisan might also add color to the material through several procedures. A tiny chunk of colored material can be softened over transparent glass to give rise to a double layer effect. To create novel designs, very small crushed grains of tinted material may be mixed into clear material. In another process called enameling, a paste mixture is used to draw designs on the glass directly.
To set the liquid concoction, the decorated piece is then fired in the kiln. Modern glass lamp shades are as dazzling and classy to own in the home as their precursors. Hard to get, antique shades may be expensive. Store glass lamp shades are more accessible with respect to supply and also cost. However, the acquisition of a vintage glass lamp shade may be thought of as an asset rather than purchase. For a very long time, these items will be treasured.
In this way, glass lamp shades have integrated into both home lighting and the exclusive circles of art. because of the singular properties of glass, shaping glass is unlike any other craft. It is a composite substance, distinguished by molecular disorder. As seen in crystals or ice, the atoms don't line up neatly even in its solid form. When glass is heated, it doesn't undergo a change from a solid to liquid.
Rather, as it softens, flows and deforms under pressure. The experienced craftsman starts off with a mass of heated vitreous substance. He uses a long, hollowed out steel rod known as a blow pipe to pick up the glass. By alternately breath-inflating the softened glass and rolling the glass on a metal table with the rod, he can mold the glass into a cylindrical shape.
Finer features of the glass, such as flaring of the edge of the lamp shade, are adjusted with additional metal tools. Lamp shades come in various colors. Louis Comfort Tiffany, the well-known interior decorator, was famous for creating stained glass lamp shades. Calling upon the artistic framework of stained glass art, Tiffany combined lead rods and fragments of colored glass to generate dreamlike art reflecting a dazzling combination of colors, objects and scenes from nature. For the craftsmen, adding color to the glass is an integral piece of the craft. Because of the presence of metal oxide contaminants, the material may begin by being tinted. The artisan might also add color to the material through several procedures. A tiny chunk of colored material can be softened over transparent glass to give rise to a double layer effect. To create novel designs, very small crushed grains of tinted material may be mixed into clear material. In another process called enameling, a paste mixture is used to draw designs on the glass directly.
To set the liquid concoction, the decorated piece is then fired in the kiln. Modern glass lamp shades are as dazzling and classy to own in the home as their precursors. Hard to get, antique shades may be expensive. Store glass lamp shades are more accessible with respect to supply and also cost. However, the acquisition of a vintage glass lamp shade may be thought of as an asset rather than purchase. For a very long time, these items will be treasured.
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